Stats & Standings

NSPL Terminology

Bullseye: correctly predicting the margin of victory.

Complete Game:correctly predicting the winning team and winning team vs. spread

Composite Winning Percentage:each NFL game produces three composite games (straight up, vs. spread, and against the over/under); the maximum total is 267 NFL games x 3=801

Exacta: correctly predicting the actual score

Hit: correctly picking the total points scored

Perfect Game: picking a complete game combined with winning the over/under

Seed (or Berth) Differential: NSPL's bias variable in a playoff game; similar to a home field advantage; part of the formula used in a playoff game to give the appropriate advantage to the higher seeded player

Target: accurately predicting the points one team scores

QB Rating: accuracy of your picks measured against stray from the Vegas line

All-Time Records


6 Jose Lemus tied the 6 exactas mark held by Gerry Shultz but did it with about one half as many games picked. (2004-05)


16 Sam Farmer (2008-09)


20 Randy Inman (2010-11)


54 Nick Ragsdale (2013-14)

All-Time Best Weekly Performances

Score Differential

9.71 Tony Smith (2010-11) Week 7

Margin Differential

3.54 Hope Maruzo (2012-13) Week 7 (over 13 games)

Writers, Bloggers, TV & Radio Personalities:

3.79 Jonathan Bales, DC Times (2012-13) Week 7 (spanning 13 games plus the previous Monday Night Game)

4.21 John Gambadoro (2005-06) Week 12 (over 14 games)

Total Points Differential

3.5 Sports Weekly (2010-11) Week 9 plus Thursday, November 7-10

2024-2025 Season Stats & Standings Leaderboard

Week 9 Contest Targets Winner is Bill Bender


Composite Winning Percentage

Percentage Name
1 0.667 % Sayre Bedinger
2 0.568 % Lou Scataglia
3 0.562 % Depressed Ginger
4 0.556 % Kaseem May
5 0.549 % Daphney Cordeiro
6 0.547 % Wunderdog Sports
7 0.538 % Gerry Dulac
8 0.538 % Dan Parr
9 0.534 % Mike Florio
10 0.532 % Sam Farmer

Straight Up Winning Percentage

Percentage Name
1 0.667 % Kenneth Buxton
2 0.667 % Kaseem May
3 0.658 % Sayre Bedinger
4 0.588 % Daphney Cordeiro
5 0.550 % Sam Farmer
6 0.549 % Gerry Dulac
7 0.549 % Tom Blair
8 0.525 % Lou Scataglia
9 0.524 % Dan Parr
10 0.517 % Mike Florio

Vs Spread Winning Percentage

Percentage Name
1 1.000 % Kaseem May
2 0.753 % Sayre Bedinger
3 0.686 % Depressed Ginger
4 0.675 % Wunderdog Sports
5 0.667 % Kenneth Buxton
6 0.636 % Steven Lourie
7 0.607 % Lou Scataglia
8 0.601 % Emmanuel Pepis
9 0.601 % Ali Bhanpuri
10 0.601 % Gennaro Filice

Against the Over/Under Winning Percentage

Percentage Name
1 0.589 % Sayre Bedinger
2 0.574 % Lou Scataglia
3 0.513 % Bill Bender
4 0.505 % Depressed Ginger
5 0.503 % Gennaro Filice
6 0.500 % Brooke Cersosimo
7 0.500 % Jerry Judson
8 0.497 % Dan Parr
9 0.497 % Mike Florio
10 0.493 % John Breech


Composite Wins

Number Name
1 248 Wunderdog Sports
2 235 Bill Bender
3 233 Hope Maruzo
4 233 Pete Prisco
5 231 John Breech
6 231 Dan Parr
7 229 Gerry Dulac
8 229 Mike Florio
9 228 Gennaro Filice
10 226 Ali Bhanpuri

Straight Up Wins

Number Name
1 78 Gerry Dulac
2 78 Tom Blair
3 76 Wunderdog Sports
4 76 Pete Prisco
5 75 Hope Maruzo
6 75 Dan Parr
7 74 Bill Bender
8 74 Mike Florio
9 73 Ali Bhanpuri
10 72 Vinnie Iyer

Vs Spread Wins

Number Name
1 102 Wunderdog Sports
2 90 Hope Maruzo
3 89 Pete Prisco
4 86 Emmanuel Pepis
5 86 Vinnie Iyer
6 86 John Breech
7 86 Ali Bhanpuri
8 86 Gennaro Filice
9 85 Gerry Dulac
10 85 Dan Parr

Against the Over/Under Wins

Number Name
1 77 Bill Bender
2 74 John Breech
3 72 Walter Football
4 72 Gennaro Filice
5 71 Brooke Cersosimo
6 71 Dan Parr
7 71 Mike Florio
8 70 Wunderdog Sports
9 69 Gerald Shultz
10 69 Emmanuel Pepis


Number Name
1 3 Hope Maruzo
2 2 Timothy Chase
3 2 Vinnie Iyer
4 2 Walter Football
5 1 Gerald Shultz
6 1 Steven Lourie
7 1 Bill Bender
8 1 Gerry Dulac
9 1 Mark Potash
10 1 Touchdown Kingdom


Number Name
1 9 Bleacher ReportExperts
2 8 Hope Maruzo
3 7 Touchdown Kingdom
4 7 Pete Prisco
5 7 Mike Florio
6 6 Wunderdog Sports
7 6 Timothy Chase
8 6 Steven Lourie
9 6 Vinnie Iyer
10 6 Walter Football


Number Name
1 24 Hope Maruzo
2 21 Bill Bender
3 19 Vinnie Iyer
4 19 Dan Parr
5 17 Rodney Combs
6 16 Walter Football
7 15 Gerald Shultz
8 15 Sam Farmer
9 15 Gerry Dulac
10 15 John Breech


Number Name
1 10 Walter Football
2 8 Hope Maruzo
3 8 Vinnie Iyer
4 7 Bill Bender
5 6 Wunderdog Sports
6 6 Gerald Shultz
7 6 Mike Florio
8 6 Chris Simms
9 5 Timothy Chase
10 5 Steven Lourie

Complete Games

Number Name
1 71 Wunderdog Sports
2 71 Tom Blair
3 70 Pete Prisco
4 70 Mike Florio
5 69 Dan Parr
6 67 Hope Maruzo
7 67 Bill Bender
8 66 Emmanuel Pepis
9 66 Gerry Dulac
10 65 John Breech

Perfect Games

Number Name
1 39 Gennaro Filice
2 38 Bill Bender
3 38 Gerry Dulac
4 36 Wunderdog Sports
5 36 Brooke Cersosimo
6 36 Mike Florio
7 34 Sam Farmer
8 34 John Breech
9 34 Chris Simms
10 33 Gerald Shultz


Number Name
1 248 Wunderdog Sports
2 235 Bill Bender
3 233 Hope Maruzo
4 233 Pete Prisco
5 231 John Breech
6 231 Dan Parr
7 229 Gerry Dulac
8 229 Mike Florio
9 228 Gennaro Filice
10 226 Ali Bhanpuri
11 225 Vinnie Iyer
12 224 Emmanuel Pepis
13 222 Brooke Cersosimo
14 221 Tom Blair


Number Name
1 7 Vinnie Iyer
2 6 Bleacher ReportExperts
3 6 Brooke Cersosimo
4 6 Greg Cote
5 6 Hope Maruzo
6 6 Steven Lourie
7 6 Walter Football
8 6 Mark Potash
9 5 Chris Simms
10 5 Pete Prisco
11 5 Gerald Shultz
12 5 Sam Farmer
13 5 Dan Parr
14 5 Mike Florio

These standings will be shown as of week 5